
08 July 2005

A Journey through Aesthetic Realms

A Journey through Aesthetic Realms, saw this program on Channel 16 in Greensboro - June 26, 2005. The program touched upon a couple of themes that I have been struggling with:

  1. Biblically Based Vegetarian Diets, which I first began to commit to after going to Rev. Dr. Malkmus free seminar at Hallelujah Acres on June 4, 2005.

  2. Being a Christian in the Kingdom of God vs. Being a Christian in the Hierarchical Church

This is the best I can do to articulate this for now, it may also be something along the lines of reconciling the people's church and the liturgicl church (see the Lectures entry)

07 July 2005

What Fundamentalists Need by David James Duncan >

What Fundamentalists Need by David James Duncan >> Orion > Orion Magazine > July | August 2005 . . . an article that draws a clear distinction between evangelism and fundamentalism, coining the phrase AVENGElism. Describes how the "Christian" leadership of the nation is only skin deep and leans more towards blasphemy than Christianity.

08 June 2005

Independence Day 2004

I treaure the time spent with my son. Mena, last summer. We were right under the fireworks in uptown Charlotte and Mena wasn't too thrilled with all of that 'big boy stuff.'

20 April 2005

Lectures of Interest

The Teaching Company produces a lecture series by Luke Timothy Johnson on Early Christianity and the Experience of the Divine, which discusses the community of tradition and the community of the vestibule of the Church community. There is a good chance this series is available at the local library.

Calvin College's January Series includes a lecture on Narrative by Marilynne Robinson, in which she presents an explanation for why she will not use the King James Bible. They also have an excellent lecture by Marva Dawn on Reclaiming Corrupted Words. Brian Green presents a lecture on String Theory.

Regent College hosts streaming lectures by radio that often feature lecture series that include Marva Dawn. They have a catalog and a schedule that can be reviewed.